Guidelines for Postdoctoral Scholars

At ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥, the postdoctoral research experience emphasizes scholarship and continued research training for individuals who have recently completed a doctoral degree. The postdoctoral scholar conducts research under the general oversight of a faculty mentor in preparation for a career position in academe, industry, government, or the nonprofit sector. Postdoctoral research work provides essential experience and training that may include opportunities to enhance teaching and other professional skills. Postdoctoral scholars who contribute significantly to the formal instructional mission of ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ may be hired, with final approval by the Provost, to positions carrying a title that formally recognizes the joint research and teaching expectations.


Postdoctoral scholars contribute to the academic community by enhancing the research and education programs of the university. They bring expertise, insights and creativity that enrich the research and educational environment for all members of the university community, including graduate and undergraduate students. The university strives to provide a stimulating, positive, and constructive experience for postdoctoral scholars, by emphasizing the shared commitment and responsibility of the institution, the faculty, and the scholar. These guidelines provide important information related to postdoctoral assignments at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥. Additionally, postdoctoral scholars are subject to all other applicable ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ and University System of Georgia (USG) policies and procedures. Exceptions to these procedures are expected to be rare and granted only in cases with strong justification. Requests for exceptions should be submitted to the Director of Postdoctoral Affairs within the Office of Research to be reviewed with Human Resources and Legal Affairs. The Director, Postdoctoral Affairs is responsible for administering the postdoctoral scholar guidelines, periodically reviewing these guidelines as needed and taking active steps to encourage compliance.

Employing Postdocs at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ National Postdoctoral Association 




The definition of postdoctoral scholar used by ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ includes the following criteria:

  • The scholar has received a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate (e.g., D.V.M., Sc.D., M.D., PharmD), usually recently, in a field directly related to the scholar’s assigned responsibilities; and
  • The assigned responsibilities of the scholar are predominantly research and/or scholarship but may combine these responsibilities with significant (no more than 50%) formal instructional responsibilities;
  • The assignment is full time, limited term; and
  • The assignment is viewed as preparatory for a full-time career in academia, industry, government or the non-profit sector.

³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ has three categories of postdoctoral scholars:

  • This position is an employee of the university with only research-related responsibilities. 

    Postdoctoral Researcher (research only – Job Code 471X01) and Postdoctoral Fellow (research and teaching – Job Code 471T01) positions are generally funded from ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥-administered grants or contracts and are considered employees of the University, receiving a salary for required services. They are in training as they perform work on a funded project, so they are also considered employees. This enables the University to provide essential services and benefits. 

  • This position is an employee of the university with both research-related and official teaching responsibilities.

    Assignment as a Postdoctoral Fellow (research and teaching) includes a significant set of responsibilities in formal instruction as Instructor of Record. For Postdoctoral Fellows, no more than 50% of the Postdoctoral Fellow’s workload may consist of teaching responsibilities as instructor of record. 

  • This position is not an employee of the university and can be solely dedicated to research and research-related activities or have both research and official teaching responsibilities.  Teaching is only allowed if a component of the funding mechanism that supports the Postdoctoral Affiliate.

    Postdoctoral Affiliates (Job Code 995X02) are considered as unpaid affiliates of ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ although ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ is the hosting institution. Typically, Postdoctoral Affiliates will receive some form of payment from their home institution or other non-USG external source. 


Procedures for Postdoctoral Assignment:

When a unit is granted a postdoctoral opening, the hiring manager is responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures are followed, and complete files are established. Please refer to the Postdoctoral Onboarding Procedural Guide for details. 


Postdoctoral scholar

The University has adopted the following set of expectations for postdoctoral scholars:

1. Conscientious discharge of assigned duties.

2. Adherence to ethical standards, which, prior to assuming duties, includes background investigation.

3. Compliance with established laboratory practices and recognized university standards, and timely completion of ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ required lab safety training programs.

4. Open and timely discussion with the mentor regarding research progress, distribution of reagents or materials, or any disclosure of findings or techniques privately or in publications.

5. For postdoctoral research and teaching scholars, active participation in training and assessment activities related to formal instructional responsibilities.

6. Publication of research or scholarship during the period of the appointment, in consultation with the faculty mentor.

7. Collegial conduct toward ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ employees, coworkers, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

8. Compliance with all sponsor, ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥, and USG policies and procedures, including observation of established guidelines for research involving human subjects, biohazards, or animals.

9. Adherence to confidentiality standards, intellectual property requirements, and rigorous attention to all types of security protocol. 


The postdoctoral scholar must be supervised by a mentor who is a faculty member, (grant PI, lead faculty researcher or appropriately qualified designee) in the unit to which the scholar is assigned. Faculty mentors are responsible for guiding and monitoring the work and advancing the training of postdoctoral scholars. When employment or training begins, faculty mentors must give the postdoctoral scholars a written description of assigned duties and expectations and a description of the training program's goals and objectives. Faculty mentors must regularly and frequently communicate with scholars, provide regular and timely assessments of performance annually using the designated evaluation process designated by Human Resources, and provide career advice and job placement assistance.

Term of Assignment

5-year maximum

The maximum term of assignment for a postdoctoral scholar is five years. This limit is based on federal guidelines and the tenet that postdoctoral assignments are primarily for training, which has a naturally limited duration. The term of assignment is the total, cumulative assignment as a postdoctoral scholar at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ and does not include time spent as an undergraduate or graduate student or as a postdoctoral scholar at other institutions. However, strong justification will be required if five years at ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ exceeds ten total years of postdoctoral training.

Defined-term assignments: Postdoctoral researchers and postdoctoral fellows will be assigned under a defined-term with a clearly specified end date. The end date must be clearly stated in the offer letter issued by Human Resources, and separation at that date does not require additional notice. A continuation letter with an updated firm end date is required to continue in a defined-term position beyond the original end date (see Continuation of Defined-Term Appointments below).


Recognizing that postdoctoral scholars are in growth positions and striving for professional advancement, they are entitled to formal evaluations by their faculty mentors and this process is strongly encouraged by the University. In accordance with ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥'s Performance Management and Progressive Discipline Policy, evaluations must occur at least annually.

For Postdoctoral Fellows who have assigned teaching responsibilities, evaluation of their teaching abilities and performance will be conducted by the relevant Department Chair during the semester of instruction. This evaluation will be considered in addition to the regular annual performance review process.

Continuation of Defined-Term Assignments

In order for a postdoctoral scholar to continue in a defined-term position beyond the HR-issued offer letter end date, a written continuation offer must be presented to the postdoctoral scholar and the Director, Postdoctoral Affairs with an updated defined end date. The mentor will contact the HR Business Partner for assistance with this process no less than 45 days prior to the original defined end date. 

Termination of Assignment

All postdoctoral scholars are subject to termination without advance notice in cases where ethical or compliance standards have been violated. 

In the circumstance that a postdoctoral scholar fails to adhere to the general postdoctoral expectations described above or does not satisfactorily meet the specific duties and responsibilities described in the offer letter, the Mentor will coordinate with Human Resources to document the performance issues through the progressive discipline process, including development of a Performance Management and Progressive Discipline Plan. Ultimately, should the Progressive Discipline process not be successful, then initiation of the termination and off-boarding process will occur if the postdoctoral scholar repeatedly fails to meet the performance and/or conduct expectations.

Termination of a defined-term postdoctoral assignment at an end date that has been clearly defined in the offer letter or a continuation letter does not require further documentation before separation; however, every effort will be made to confirm with the postdoctoral scholar and HR the last date of employment at least forty-five (45) days in advance to facilitate the offboarding process.

If a postdoctoral scholar holds a ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ visa sponsorship, the Office of Global Education must be contacted at least 60 days prior to informing the postdoctoral scholar of separation.


Postdoctoral Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows are staff employees who may be eligible to grieve certain employment actions through ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥â€™s Staff Grievance Policy.   



Effective December 1, 2023, Postdoctoral Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows must be compensated with a minimum annual salary of no less than the assigned pay grade. The minimum salary of the associated pay grade may change at any given time. It is best practice to budget at least at the 25th percentile of the pay grade. Please refer to the Salary Structure located on the HR Compensation website.

In some instances, external funding agencies and/or awards provide salary guidance that suggests higher compensation, and, in those cases, Compensation’s recommendation follows that guidance, but documentation must be provided to (e.g., in the biological sciences, the National Institutes of Health publishes guidelines).


Postdoctoral Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows employed in 12-month assignments are eligible for 10 hours per month of paid annual leave and 8 hours per month of sick leave. Due to funding requirements, all annual leave must be utilized during the limited term assignment and will not be paid out after the limited term ends. 

Health Insurance

Postdoctoral Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows may participate in ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥â€™s Benefit program, including employee health insurance, subject to HR policies. See Benefits for further information. 

Postdoctoral Affiliates are not ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥ employees and are therefore ineligible for ³ÉÈËÖ±²¥â€™s benefit programs. 

Retirement Program

Postdoctoral Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows have the option of participating either in the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) of Georgia or an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). Please see for additional information.  

Other Benefits

International postdoctoral scholars should refer to the International Student and Scholar Services Office with the Office of Global Education for assistance with questions regarding visa status and related topics.  

Check the summary table comparing details of appointment types provided at the end of this policy.