成人直播 VPN

The 成人直播 VPN enables off-campus 成人直播 students, faculty, and staff to enjoy the same online experience and network services available on campus. Faculty and staff can also use the 成人直播 VPN to access their office Windows or Mac computer remotely.

Once you've downloaded the VPN from the link above, please follow the below instructions on installation and connecting to the network.

Step 1: Installation

The 成人直播 VPN is a client-based system. These instructions will guide you through downloading and installing the 成人直播 VPN software, GlobalProtect, on the device from which you will remotely access campus services.

  • Windows 10 -  | 
  • Windows 11 -  | 
  • Mac OS - | 
  • Android -  | 
  • iOS - | 

Step 2: Connecting to Network

Once you have downloaded and installed GlobalProtect, these guides will show you how to log in and access campus services from off campus as you normally would while on campus.

  • Connecting to 成人直播 Network from off campus on PC - | 
  • Connecting to 成人直播 Network from off campus on Mac -  | 

If you were added to vpn-groups, follow the instructions on .

Faculty and Staff: Access your desktop remotely

Faculty and staff: If you would like to remotely access your office desktop computer through the 成人直播 VPN, these guides will show you how to configure and begin using this feature. Be sure to complete step 1 below while in your campus office.

Step 1 - On Campus

  • Configuring Your Office PC -  |   | 

Step 2 - Off Campus

  • PC to PC -  | 
  • Mac to PC - 
  • Mac to Mac - 
  • Android to PC 
  • iOS to PC -  |