HPC Researcher Spotlight

The department of Research Computing would like to spotlight the following researchers who utilized the High Performance Computing system at 成人直播.

  • Determination of proton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton within the CTEQ collaboration.
    Calculations of theory predictions for Top-quark pair production at the LHC.
    Analysis of the recent Charm and bottom quark production data at HERA.
    Search of extra neutral currents at hadron colliders.
    QCD Factorization in presence of heavy flavors in Deep inelastic scattering reactions and in proton-proton collisions.

    The most recent project is in theoretical particle physics, and it is relevant to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is currently the highest-energy particle collider in the world, and to future colliders. By colliding protons at higher energies than have ever been previously explored, physicists expect to learn more about the fundamental particles of matter and their interactions. The research involves theoretical calculations that are sufficiently precise and accurate to make meaningful comparisons with data from the LHC. The 成人直播 HPCs are important tools to achieve these goals.

    The projects listed above use large codes in C++/C/Fortran and codes for Symbolic manipulations (e.g., Mathematica, FeynCalc, Form, FormCalc, Madgraph, ROOT, etc.) that require extensive use of the 成人直播 HPC cluster. 

    Funded work includes:

    • National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI) & M. Guzzi (co-PI), 鈥淭heoretical Calculations for Particle Physics at Hadron Colliders鈥, Aug 2024-Jul 2027, Grant: PHY-2412071. Amount: $360,000
    • NSF - National Science Foundation, Guzzi, M. (PI) 鈥淧recision theory at the LHC: strong interaction dynamics and new physics searches鈥, Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2021, $108,830.
      Award number: 1820818
    • National Science Foundation Grant no. 2112025, N. Kidonakis & M. Guzzi "Particle Theory for High-Energy Collider Physics",  
      September 2021 - August 2024. Amount: $300,000.  

    Particle theory group at 成人直播:

    Marco Guzzi -  

    Nikolaos Kidonakis - 

    Andreas Papaefstathiou - 

    Alberto Tonero -  Email

    There are opportunities for undergraduate students who are interested in High Energy Physics and Particle Theory to be hired as undregraduate research assistants and being paid from my NSF grant.

  • Hybridization of Appalachian woodland salamanders.
    Species delimitation of Brazilian foam frogs.
    Urban landscape genomics of the eastern kingsnake.
    Population genomics of the patch-nosed salamander.

    uses computational resources through HPC to assemble genomic data and conduct phylogenomic and population genomic analyses to study the ecology, evolution, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.

    Projects include:

    • Species delimitation and systematics of Appalachian salamanders
    • Genomic basis of reproductive polymorphisms in two-lined salamanders
    • Hybridization and species delimitation of Brazilian foam frogs
    • Parentage analysis and breeding systems in mole salamanders
    • Population genomics of rare and imperiled amphibians

    The Pierson Lab includes student at all levels and external collaborations with scientists at Clemson University, the University of Georgia, the University of North Carolina Asheville, the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, and more. 成人直播 undergraduate students who are excited about gaining experience with field or laboratory research and prospective graduate students interested in the MSIB program should reach out to Dr. Pierson via email at tpierso3@kennesaw.edu

  • Tritium Control using Novel Nanomaterials.
    High Strain Impact of Graphene.
    Carbon Nanocomposites with High. Thermal Performance.
    Phonon Scattering in 3D Carbon Nanostructures.

    All of the projects listed above involve the atomistic simulations of transport properties of novel nanomaterials. We have been able to simulate the materials' properties successfully by the help of HPC at 成人直播.
    Is this work sponsored or work toward a proposal?
    The study for Carbon Nanocomposites with High Thermal Performance is sponsored by 成人直播's OVPR fund.

    More details about my research projects can be found in my . I am also a faculty member in 成人直播's nuclear research group called  Students in my research group use a molecular dynamics simulator called LAMMPS together with different programing languages such as C++ and MATLAB to investigate thermal transport and molecular transport in novel nanomaterials.

    Currently, I am working with ten students on the research projects listed above. Any student who is interested in exploring the exciting properties of novel nanomaterials and nanoscale transport phenomena should contact Dr. Jungkyu (Justin) Park at jpark186@kennesaw.edu.

  • Improving the performance of standoff iris recognition using deep learning techniques within both traditional and nontraditional iris recognition frameworks.
    This work is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under award: 2100483, Division of Computer and Network Systems

    SaTC: CORE: Small: RUI: Improving Performance of Standoff Iris Recognition Systems Using Deep Learning Frameworks, 8/2020-9/2022, $233,606.00.

    The iris of the eye enables one of the most accurate, distinctive, universal, and re liable biometrics for authenticating the identity of a person. However, the accuracy of iris recognition depends on the quality of data acquisition, which is negatively affected by the angle of view, occlusion, dilation, and other factors. Since standoff iris recognition systems are much less constrained than traditional systems, the captured iris images are likely to be off-angle, dilated, and otherwise less than ideal. This project addresses these challenging problems and investigates solutions to eliminate their effects on standoff systems. The project provides potential benefits from several perspectives: At the national level, it aims to enhance the national security and competitiveness of the United States by improving the performance of iris recognition to lead the next generation of standoff biometrics systems. At the state level, it improves the quality of research and education in Arkansas, an EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) state, and contributes to the development of a diverse and skilled workforce. At the university level, it provides research opportunities for students from underrepresented groups and equips them with valuable skills to build their careers including creativity, self-confidence, critical thinking and problem solving.

    This project aims to improve the performance of standoff iris recognition using deep learning techniques within both traditional and nontraditional iris recognition frameworks. First, a deep learning-based frontal image reconstruction framework is developed to eliminate the effect of the eye structures on standoff images before comparing these images with their frontal images in a database. It will unwrap non-ideal iris images within the traditional iris recognition framework using non-linear distortion maps and occlusion masks. Second, nontraditional iris recognition frameworks are developed based on deep learning algorithms to improve the performance of standoff systems using additional biometric information in ocular and periocular structures. This approach also investigates the effect of the gaze angle in iris/ocular/periocular biometrics and combines the biometric information in different standoff images.

    This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the

    Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

  • Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Driven Molecular Dynamics simulations: The analysis of hydrogen-bonded systems.
    This work is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under award: CHE 1855583, Division of Chemistry.

    RUI: Computational Study of Vibrational Motion in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems, 09/2019-08/2022, $232,892.00.

    M. Kaledin, 鈥淒evelopment of new computational tools for elucidating the structure and dynamics of molecular clusters in the search for new carbon-based materials鈥, CSM funds to Sustain Research Excellence (FSRE), Budget: 2-months summer salary, a total of $20,520 + fringes $4,894 for the PI Martina Kaledin (funded), approved budget: $15,390.
    M. Kaledin, 鈥淭heoretical study of the vibrational anharmonicity using molecular dynamics methods and elements of machine learning鈥 CSM funds to Sustain Research Excellence (FSRE), Budget: 2-months summer salary, $19,850 (05/2024-06/2024) (completed).
    M. Kaledin, (Principal Investigator), Grant,  鈥淧robing Vibrational Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters using First-Principles-Derived Potential Energy, Dipole Moment, and Polarizability Tensor Surfaces,鈥 Sponsored by NSF, Federal Award, $390,746, 10/2024 (declined).

    The primary goals of this project are:

    • Design fast and highly scalable computational methods to study the structure, functions, and intermolecular interactions of hydrogen-bonded systems at the atomic level and applying these methods to understand and predict the relations between the structure and function of these molecules.

    • Simulate and assign linear and two-dimensional (2D) spectra of hydrogen-bonded systems using normal mode analysis, molecular dynamics, and driven molecular dynamics methods.

    • Development of computational chemistry curriculum that enhances students鈥 problem-solving skills and technology skills that involve using software and visualization tools to collect and analyze data.

    • Recruitment and training of students for successful STEM careers.

    Funded work includes:

    • M. Kaledin, 鈥淭heoretical study of the vibrational anharmonicity using molecular dynamics methods and elements of machine learning鈥 CSM funds to Sustain Research Excellence (FSRE), Budget: 2-months summer salary, $19,850 (05/2024-06/2024).

    • M. Kaledin, (Principal), Grant, "RUI: Computational study of vibrational motion in hydrogen-bonded systems", Sponsored by NSF, Federal Award, CHE 1855583, $232,892, 09/2019-12/2023.

    Kaledin鈥檚 website: 
    Joel M. Bowman Emory University

    Alexey L. Kaledin Emory University

    Dalton Boutwell Vanderbilt University
    Students interested in joining M. Kaledin鈥檚 research group and working on the computational chemistry project as undergraduate research assistants (paid by the NSF grant) should contact her directly by email: martina.kaledin@kennesaw.edu.



  • A. H. James*, M. Kaledin, A. L. Kaledin, First Principles Path Integral Monte Carlo Studies of the Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect in the Aromatic Cyclo[10]carbon, J. Phys. Chem. A (2025)  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.4c08620

  • A general mass variable flavor number scheme for Z boson production in association with a heavy quark at hadron colliders
    Authors: Marco Guzzi, Pavel Nadolsky, Laura Reina, Doreen Wackeroth, and Keping Xie; 鈥 eprint: 2410.xxxx [hep-ph]

    The upcoming CTEQ-TEA parton distributions in a nutshell
    Ablat, A. Courtoy, S. Dulat, M. Guzzi, et al.; 鈥 eprint: 2408.11131 [hep-ph]
    Contribution to: 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2024) 8鈥12 April 2024 Grenoble, France

    String Derived Z 鈥 Model at an Upgraded Superconducting Super Collider
    Alon E. Faraggi, Marco Guzzi, Andrew McEntaggart 
    Contribution to: BSM-2023 鈥 e-Print: 2309.15707 [hep-ph]

    Exploring the impact of high-precision top-quark pair production data on the structure of the proton at the LHC
    Alim Ablat , Marco Guzzi , Keping Xie , et al.  
    Published in: Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 5, 054027 鈥 e-Print: 2307.11153 [hep-ph]

    Gibbas, B.D., Kaledin, M., Kaledin, A.L., Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the Vibrational Wavefunction of the Aromatic Cyclo[10]carbon Using a Full Dimensional Permutationally Invariant Potential Energy Surface, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 (2024) 5070-5075.

    [1] A. H. James*, M. Kaledin, A. L. Kaledin, First Principles Path Integral Monte Carlo Studies of the Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect in the Aromatic Cyclo[10]carbon, J. Phys. Chem. A (2025)  

    [2] J. Gutierrez-Cardenas*, B. D. Gibbas*, K. Whitaker*, M. Kaledin, A. L.  Kaledin
    A Low Order Permutationally Invariant Polynomial Approach to Learning Potential Energy Surfaces using the Bond-order Charge-density Matrix: Application to Cn Clusters for n = 3 鈥 10, 20. J. Phys. Chem. A  128 (2024) 7703-7713.  

    [3] B.D. Gibbas*, M. Kaledin, A. L.  Kaledin, Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the Vibrational Wavefunction of the Aromatic Cyclo[10]carbon Using a Full Dimensional Permutationally Invariant Potential Energy Surface. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 (2024) 5070-5075.

  • Top-quark cross sections and distributions at approximate N3LO
    Nikolaos Kidonakis, Marco Guzzi, Alberto Tonero, 
    Published in: Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 5, 054012 鈥 e-Print: 2306.06166 [hep-ph]

    Precision studies for string derived Z' dynamics at the LHC
    Andrew McEntaggart , Alon E. Faraggi , Marco Guzzi 
    Published in: Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 1, 54 鈥 e-Print: 2211.15905 [hep-ph]

    The persistent nonperturbative charm enigma
    Marco Guzzi, T.J. Hobbs, Keping Xie, Joey Huston, Pavel Nadolsky, et al. 
    Published in: Phys.Lett.B 843 (2023) 137975 鈥 e-Print: 2211.01387 [hep-ph]

    Y. Hashem*, K. Foust*, M. Kaledin, A. L. Kaledin, Fitting potential energy surfaces by learning the charge density matrix with permutationally invariant polynomials.
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19  (2023) 5690-5700, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00586  .\

    S. A. Kudratov*, M. Kaledin, A. L. Kaledin, Revisiting the N(N+1)/2-site s-type Gaussian charge model for permutationally invariant polynomial fitting of molecular tensor properties. 
    Int. J. Quant. Chem. 123 (2023) e27102. https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.27102 

  • S. A. Kudratov*, M. Kaledin, A. L. Kaledin, Revisiting the N(N+1)/2-site s-type Gaussian charge model for permutationally invariant polynomial fitting of molecular tensor properties. 
    Int. J. Quant. Chem. (2023) (In press). 

    A Fermi resonance and a parallel-proton-transfer overtone in the Raman spectrum of linear centrosymmetric N4H+: A polarizability-driven first principles molecular dynamics study. 
    J. Chem. Phys. 157 (2022) 154303 (10 pages).

    Permutationally Invariant Polynomial Representation of Polarizability Tensor Surfaces for Linear Regression Analysis. J. Comput. Chem. 43 (2022) 1495-1503.

    Intramolecular Proton Transfer in the Hydrogen Oxalate Anion and the Cooperativity Effects of the Low-Frequency Vibrations: A Driven Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. A 126 (2022), 583-592.

    On the Cartesian representation of the molecular polarizability tensor surface by polynomial fitting to ab initio data. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 18 (2022) 37-45.

  • . New CTEQ global analysis of quantum chromodynamics with high-precision data from the LHC. Phys. Rev. D 103, 014013.


    Karakaya, M., 2021. Iris-ocular-periocular: toward more accurate biometrics for off-angle images. J. Electron. Imaging 30, 033035.

    Kidonakis, N., Guzzi, M, Yamanaka, N, 2021. tW and tZ鈥 production at hadron colliders. Presented at the Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects. 

    A Polarizability driven ab initio molecular dynamics approach to stimulating Raman activity: Application to C20. Mol. Phys. 119 (2021) e1939453 (9 pages).

  • . Groomed jet mass as a direct probe of collinear parton dynamics. Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 827.

    Boutwell, D., Okere, O., Omodemi, O., Toledo, A., Barrios, A., Olocha, M., Kaledin, M., 2020. Analysis of the Proton Transfer Bands in the Infrared Spectra of Linear N2H+路路路OC and N2D+路路路OC Complexes Using Electric Field-Driven Classical Trajectories. J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 7549鈥7558.

    . $$tZ鈥$$ production at hadron colliders. Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 467.


  • DIS2024, Deep Inelastic Scattering and related subjects, 2024, "A GMVFN scheme for Z boson associated with a heavy quark production at hadron colliders"  Grenoble France, April 9, 2024.

  • Loopfest 2004, "Toward the next CTEQ-TEA parton distributions", SMU, Dallas, TX, May 21, 2024

  • Invited talk, LHCP2024, LHC Physics 2024, Boston, MA, USA,"Progress in top-quark pair production cross section calculations and impact on PDFs"

  • QCD@work 2024,  "A GMVFN scheme for Z boson production associated with a heavy quark at hadron colliders" Trani, Italy, June 18, 2024

  • I. Dabdoub*, M. Kaledin, Computational Analysis of Vibrational Frequencies of Linear and Cyclic Carbon Clusters, Cn. Fall Symposium of Student Scholars, Kennesaw State University, November 21, 2024, Kennesaw, GA (Local meeting, poster presentation).
  • Higgs Cross section Working Group, CERN (remote talk), "News from the CTEQ-TEA group" June 26, 2024.

  • B. Gibbas*, J. Gutierrez-Cardenas*, K. Whitaker*, M. Kaledin, Geometry Optimization and Energetics Analysis of Linear C10 and Cyclo[10]carbon structures via ab initio methods. 
    Spring Symposium of Student Scholars, 成人直播, April 18, 2024, Kennesaw, GA (Local meeting, poster presentation), 2nd place for the best poster presentation in the undergraduate students category.

  • K. Anisha*, V. Gonzales*, Y. Hashem*, M. Kaledin, Structural, Energetic, and Spectral Analysis of a Model Peptide and its Isomers.
    Fall Symposium of Student Scholars, 成人直播, November 16, 2023, Kennesaw, GA (Local meeting, poster presentation).

  • J. Gutierrez-Cardenas*, B. Gibbas*, K. Whitaker*, M. Kaledin, Potential Energy Surface Topology and Aromatic Ring Current Analyses of C6 and C10 Carbon Clusters.
    SERMACS 2024 meeting in Atlanta, GA, October 23-October 26, 2024 (Regional meeting, poster presentation).
  • Invited Colloquium Seminar at Michigan State University. MI, USA, "Modern hadron colliders era: proton dynamics, the quest for precision and new physics searches". MSU, East Lansing, MI, Nov 9, 202

HPC Acknowledgement

成人直播 recommends that users of the university-level HPC include the following acknowledgement statement: 鈥淭his work was supported in part by research computing resources and technical expertise via a partnership between 成人直播鈥檚 Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the CIO and Vice President for Information Technology [1].鈥

Cite as (using the appropriate citation format):

[1] High Performance Computing System, 成人直播, [].